You are important to your family, so what arrangements do you have in place to secure your dependents and survivors if the unfortunate happens?
Life Assurance gives you the opportunity to save towards an unfortunate occurrence such as death. This is made possible through regular payments into an investment fund which has an inbuilt death and disability cover as riders. This cover can be used to solve a lot of financial problems including the following:
- Provide regular income or a lump sum to beneficiaries.
- Use for payment of school fees at a future date and continue for an agreed duration.
- Use of financial collateral to secure a loan from a bank.
- Serve as a supplement to your pension after retirement.
Life Assurance also gives you opportunities to earn income in the event of incapacitation or disabilities. If your capacity to earn an income has been diminished or derailed, Life Assurance will compensate you for the agreed periods that you are incapacitated.
Why should you buy life assurance policies through us?
As brokers, we are able to examine the scope of cover of all the life policies on the market and customize such policies to meet your peculiar needs as well as give unbiased advice as to what to buy and from whom. Unlike an agent from an Insurance Company, KEK as a corporate entity would provide the best of services to you even if the Life Broking Executive who directly sold the policy to you leaves the industry. We serve the interest of our clients and our allegiance is towards the client as against the agent whose allegiance is towards the Insurance Company that employed him. You do not have to pay us any fees for our services. We earn brokerage fees from the Insurance Company where your business is placed.
Select KEK Life as your insurance brokers for the following reasons:
- KEK handles relating to your insurance claims expeditionary.
- KEK reviews and assesses annually your insurances, makes suggestions on suitability, offers competitive premium rates, and gives adequate cover.
- KEK would conduct risk surveys on any identified risk and liaise with relevant medical practitioners and hospitals for insurance information purposes.
To hear from one of our ‘Life Broking Executives‘, simply click on contact us, fill out the form, and we will be in touch!