KEK Insurance Brokers Celebrates World Menstrual Hygiene Day with Dzorwulu Special School

On May 28th, KEK Insurance Brokers proudly celebrated World Menstrual Hygiene Day with the schoolgirls of Dzorwulu Special School. This annual observance aims to break taboos and raise awareness about menstrual hygiene. This year’s theme, “Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld,” emphasizes the need to eliminate stigma and ensure everyone has access to menstrual products, education, and proper infrastructure.
As a committed member of the UN Global Compact Network Ghana, KEK undertakes projects that positively impact our communities. For this special event, we focused on educating the girls about:
1. Understanding menstruation as a natural part of life.
2. Adopting best practices for menstrual hygiene.
3. Providing sanitary pads to support their menstrual health.
Our efforts were enriched by the expertise of renowned medical practitioner Dr. Hannah Lisa Tetteh, who served as our resource person and delivered comprehensive menstrual hygiene education.
The event was a resounding success, enhancing the knowledge of these special girls and bringing smiles to their faces. By celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day with them, we believe we’ve made a meaningful contribution towards creating a more period-friendly world within our community and beyond.
Join us in supporting a #PeriodFriendlyWorld and making a difference!